- Which mouse button was clicked? 哪个鼠标按钮被点击了?
- This action occurs before any mouse buttons are clicked and is triggered by cursor fly-over only, and is commonly referred to as a “rollover. 这一动作出现于鼠标按键被单 击 之前,并且仅仅在光标掠过时激活的行为。
- In the handler, the code tests the sender argument to determine which button was clicked. 在该处理程序中,代码对发送方参数进行测试,以确定单击了哪个按钮。
- The user-defined function uses the CommandEventArgs argument to see which Command button was clicked. 用户定义的函数使用CommandEventArgs参数来查看单击了哪个Command按钮。
- Gets the width and height of a rectangle centered on the point the mouse button was pressed, within which a drag operation will not begin. 获取以鼠标按钮的按下点为中心的矩形的宽度和高度,在该矩形内不会开始拖动操作。
- The event handler determines which button was clicked, and if it was the shopping cart button, performs appropriate logic. 事件处理程序确定所单击的是哪个按钮,如果是购物车按钮,则执行相应的逻辑。
- This action occurs before any mouse buttons are clicked and is triggered by cursor fly-over only, and is commonly referred to as a “rollover.” 这一动作出现于鼠标按键被单击之前,并且仅仅在光标掠过时激活的行为。
- If you are clicking in data, the left mouse button generally means selecting. 如果你在数据上单击,则通常意味着选择。
- Receives a call in response to the left mouse button being pressed and held while over the component. 当响应在组件上按住鼠标左键不放这一操作时接收调用。
- Some said one button was correct, whereas others swore by two buttons. Still others advocated a mouse with several buttons that could be clicked separately or together so that five buttons could yield up to 32 distinct combinations. 一些人说一个按键是对的,另一些则深信应该有两个,还有一部分人鼓吹多个按键的鼠标可以用来分别或一起单击按键。 比如有5个按键的鼠标,可以有32种不同的组合。
- When you configure your mouse for left-hand use, the functions of the left mouse button and the right mouse button are swapped. 当你安装鼠标给左手使用,这有功能为左手鼠标按键和右手鼠标按键交换。
- This is the mystery of Class A solution of the game, players control a duck Shacham, all movements were clicking on the left mouse button through completion. 这是一款解谜类的游戏,玩家控制鸭子查姆,所有动作均通过点击鼠标左键完成。
- Click the left mouse button can be fired bullets at the enemy fire. 点击鼠标左键可以发射子弹,对准敌人射击。
- Feel free to add other code to execute when the toolbar buttons are clicked. 可随意添加在单击工具栏按钮时执行的其他代码。
- Game Controls: Click the left mouse button to be firing bullets. 游戏操作:点击鼠标左键可以对射击子弹。
- The right mouse button was long treated as nonexistent by Microsoft and many others. Only a few brave programmers connected actions to the right mouse button, and these actions were considered to be extra, optional, or advanced functions. 微软和其他许多公司曾经长期对鼠标右键视而不见,只有少数勇敢的程序员将一些行为与右键关联起来。 这些行为被看做是额外、备选或高级的功能。
- Basic Operation: Click the left mouse button. 基本操作:鼠标左键点击。
- Gets or sets the value to increment or decrement the spin box (also known as an up-down control) when the up or down buttons are clicked. 获取或设置单击向上或向下按钮时,数字显示框(也称作up-down控件)递增或递减的值。
- Mouse aiming Click the left mouse button shooting. 鼠标瞄准,点击鼠标左键射击。
- Click and hold the mouse button. 单击并按住鼠标按钮。